Thursday, November 21, 2013

Questions for Prayer Debate

- Would allowing prayers at public events hinder the religions of certain individuals and their right to practice religion freely?

- Would not allowing prayers at public events hinder the religions of certain individuals as well?

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Euthanasia Debate Notes

Pros believe that terminally ill people have the right to decide whether they want to live or not. Many countries in Europe have already adopted this thought. Humans have an inherited right of choice, and this should be respected.

Cons believe that it goes against Hippocratic Oath. They feel it goes against many religions, as it stated in the Bible to not kill one another. Illness severity is subjective by doctor to doctor, so assisted suicide should not be an option. Euthanasia is murder. They argue that euthanasia could not end a worthless life, because no life is worthless. Killing them would just hinder any future opportunities.

Questions for Euthanasia Debate

- How could a country that believes in the death penalty not believe in euthanasia?

- Do you feel the physician is committing murder by taking the life of an individual?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

BR 11-13-13

1. I disagree with this decision.

2. No; I believe it is under the trainer's discretion for deciding whether to train a killer whale with contact or not. The trainer is putting his or her life on the line by doing so, but at the same time they have the right to. At the same time, Sea World should not have to accept responsibility or liability for deaths of willing trainers.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

BR 11-12-13

If I was the hunter in that situation, I would probably act in the same way he did. I would rather die than live with full-body paralysis. God ensures those who are saved a spot in heaven, and I would rather live there, even though I would leave my friends and family.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

BR 11-6-13

1.) I do not support K-Mart's decision in staying open for 41 hours straight, especially since they are opening at 6 AM on Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving is a holiday bestowed upon us to celebrate family and community values, not to get an early jump on Christmas shopping. With the increasing commercialism of Christmas, people lose sight of the purpose and meaning behind holidays. K-Mart is denying Thanksgiving's meaning by making their employees work on such an occasion, while they should be spending time with their families.

2.) We allow the free exhibition of homosexuality in the US. We do not punish for exhibiting gay practices, although we still do not allow them to marry in most states. Russia's view of this is different in that they are completely against the practices of homosexuality and punish gays for doing so. People don't even have the right to be gay in Russia.

Monday, November 4, 2013

BR 11-4-13

1. It will make people less likely to vote.

2. Most likely; it makes things more difficult than necessary, which can in turn cause intrusion of voting rights.