Monday, April 14, 2014

Thursday, April 10, 2014

BR 4-10-14

$325 for rent and utilities, because shelter is obviously important for survival
$75 for cheat economical food, because food only takes backseat to shelter
$50 for clothing and accessories, because clothing needs replacing every now and again
$50 for investment into 401k, because it will potentially give me more spending money in the future without being a huge expense if the stock plummets.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

BR 4-8-14

Obama signed two executive actions to try ensuring equal pay rights and to try strengthening the existing laws. These will make it easier for workers to see how much their colleagues are making. Being able to access this information will allow workers to see if they are actually being compensated fairly for their work or not. These actions are mostly for the purpose of making sure women are being paid equally for equal work. These are being filed as a part of the "Equal Pay Day."

Monday, April 7, 2014

Citizenship Test

92% Pass

BR 4-7-14

1. A U.S. Citizenship test should be administered for any immigrant wishing to become a U.S. citizen.
2. A background check from the native country should be required.
3. Proof of residency and a birth certificate from the native country should also be required.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Discrimination Homework

What is happening in the picture?
Many Native Americans are packed up and traveling down a dusty road. There is somebody passed out along the side of the road in need of some attention or help. Many are forced to walk along this road, as there are very few stagecoaches.

What is going on in America during this time?
The Trail of Tears; American settlers are taking all the land previously possessed by the Native Americans. They force the Native Americans westward in order to allow the settlements to expand.

What do the people's faces reflect?
They are crying and all have faces in agony or sadness. The woman with the most emphasis is wiping away her tears with some piece of clothing. These faces suggest bitter depression and suffering.

Give an example of how this might happen today.
The U.S Government could pass legislation to take away all Indian Reservations and force them into homelessness. This racial persecution would be very similar to what is happening in this instance.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

BR 4-2-14

The most difficult part about this project will be restraining from casually answering questions asked during class without raising my hand first, as it is a habit to just answer the question.