Friday, August 30, 2013

BR- 8-30-13

I feel this is a case that is blown way out of proportion. In no way did the woman express concern with the people being threatened by the fact they were black, nor does the article even say that the whole group was black. At the same time though, I believe it was wrong to refuse them service based only on the concern of a single customer. Regardless of race, the restaurant does maintain the right to deny anybody service for a viable cause.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

I Have a Dream Assignment

#4   “I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.” 

     King most likely meant to use the "table of brotherhood" as a metaphor to show union and forgiveness among Blacks and Whites. During this time period, it would have been outrageous for this type of thing to occur. It applies much to how gays are treated in today's society. People develop a "phobia" or don't like to associate with people who are different. In order to see everybody equally, King explains that we must look passed the exterior images to see us all as human beings. 

BR- 8-29-13

1. The emancipation proclamation came as a "great beakon of light" for the African Americans.
2. Although they were free, they still felt racial persecution as a result of segregation.
3. "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"
4. Instead of honoring this quote, Americans have given the African Americans a "bad check" persay. "And we refuse to believe that the bank of justice has gone bankrupt."
5. "now is the time to rise from the dark...and stand against racial injustice"
6. "We can never become satisfied as long as the negro man is still a victim of police brutality."
7. "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up upon the laws it was founded." or something like that.
8. "That one day, even the state of Mississippi...will be transformed into an oasis of justice."
9. "I have a dream, that my children will not be judged for the color of their skin, but for content of their character."
10. "Free at last, free at last! Thank god almighty, we are free at last!"

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

BR 8-27-13

1. I believe they should not have been tried as adults. Although they both have previous convictions for assault, they are both under the age of 18 and would not even survive in a regular prison. They should be put in juvenile institutions until the age of 18, and a case of further prison sentencing should be held at this point.

2. Their names should remain undisclosed because of the nature of the crime. These boys would be targeted by the media and the rest of our society as a result. The legal punishment is sufficient for the crime. There's no need for persecution from the public.

3. These crimes are inevitable. With new advancements in weapon technology, it has become very easy to harm individuals. Almost anybody has the ability to harm another person. There is no real way to stop it as a whole. The only way to hinder this is doing your part by not killing people.