Tuesday, August 27, 2013

BR 8-27-13

1. I believe they should not have been tried as adults. Although they both have previous convictions for assault, they are both under the age of 18 and would not even survive in a regular prison. They should be put in juvenile institutions until the age of 18, and a case of further prison sentencing should be held at this point.

2. Their names should remain undisclosed because of the nature of the crime. These boys would be targeted by the media and the rest of our society as a result. The legal punishment is sufficient for the crime. There's no need for persecution from the public.

3. These crimes are inevitable. With new advancements in weapon technology, it has become very easy to harm individuals. Almost anybody has the ability to harm another person. There is no real way to stop it as a whole. The only way to hinder this is doing your part by not killing people.

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