Monday, September 30, 2013

BR 9-30-13

The first two articles are about various terrorist attacks throughout the U.S. The third article is describing a time of government shutdown, very similar about what is to happen tomorrow in our country. The first attack received much more attention than the second, even though many more people were killed in the second attack. This might be because nobody wants to believe that an American killed that many people.

1. They're all from the 90s.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

BR 9-19-13

     Playing violent video games does not in any way contribute to shootings. Studies have shown that video games can actually be a relaxing or soothing activity to people with ADD or ADHD. Just because something is simulated does not mean that the consumer will experience this in real life. You may play a flight simulation video game, but this doesn't mean you're going to be a pilot. Violent video games only have a profound influence on young children. Bad parenting is the cause for the influence from violent video games.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

BR 9-18-13

1. To prevent drug usage, suicide, and murders

2. No. Nothing on a social media site is "private" in the first place. The whole purpose of social media sites are to interact with others and post your thoughts and desires. Anything posted on a social media site can be seen without any real "invasion of privacy".

3. I wouldn't really care. I'm indifferent to the whole situation.

BR 9-17-13

1. It goes against the whole idea of a melting pot. People have a hard time accepting those who are different.

2. Nope. Some demographics are more likely to be discriminated against compared to others.

Monday, September 16, 2013

BR 9-16-13

50 Years ago today, a terrible event occurred-- the bombing of a Black church in Birmingham, Alabama. This bombing killed four little girls. The four girls, Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson, Denise McNair, changed the course of history as we know it. This blast was planned by the Ku Klux Klan.

Friday, September 13, 2013

9/11 Assignment 9-12-13

The YouTube video we watched made more of an impact on me than any other 9/11 video previously. The personal account of the event made everything seem so much more real and personal. It's natural for somebody to feel this way about it though. I mean, I still don't completely understand the multitude of the situation, but getting an inside story makes me comprehend it a little more.

This is an article of first hand accounts from people in the North Tower. The frantic reactions of all the people makes everything seem so real. I couldn't imagine being in that situation. Hearing all these situations out in my head reminds me of horrific instances in the past that I've encountered. After reading this article, it puts me in the mindset of protection over privacy. Nobody wants that to happen, and if searching your Facebook means stopping a terrorist, I believe it's necessary to do so.

There are a few accounts on this resource that are all pretty "heavy." The first story is about a man who was living in New York for a very short time, but gotten a phone call from his parents in Australia explaining what was happening. He opened his door to snap some pictures of the events and soon found himself dodging falling debris. Then, in a matter of minutes, was escaping from his small apartment and down the street to avoid that of a whole tower turning into that of rubble. It is pretty hard to think about that because what if I was there? My adrenaline would be pumping furiously, I'm sure, and I wouldn't be thinking about anyone else but myself just trying to get out of there and to safety.

BR 9-13-13

1. Taliban is still making headlines, even with failed attempts. It seems as though they are, at this point, just trying to stay relevant.

2. Failure. It's like bullying. No matter how much you try to get rid of it, it's simply an impossibility. There will always be acts of terrorism, just as there will always be acts of bullying.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

BR 9-12-13

1. This article speaks on the topic of employment throughout the nation. Unemployment has remained high even though layoffs are at a very low rate. Those looking for jobs will still be concerned as the rates of hiring did not increase.
2. In a way, it does. Steady employment is better than a fluctuating employment rate. With a steady employment rate, we can more easily work on a steady improvement towards better employment.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

BR 9-11-13

     On the matters of security versus privacy, a few guidelines should be taken into consideration. On one hand, viewing internet information (e-mails, Facebook, etc.) can potentially save the lives of many innocent people from the threat of terrorist acts. On the other hand, though, the Government should know where to drawn the line. Determining the line between safety and privacy is the major controversial issue behind this. How far will the Government take it until they finally invade the privacy of our fellow U.S. citizens? Security is of the utmost importance in this situation.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


1. No; McDonald's should not raise the prices on the Dollar Menu. Instead, they should come up with more innovative ideas to create more of sales pitch. Raising the prices would only drive customers away.
2. They should be paid a "living wage", but based on the economic status of McDonald's currently, they are probably unable to provide entry level employees with that high of a salary.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


1. A person should pursue the degree that makes them happy. Salary is obviously an important aspect today, but your career choice shouldn't be based entirely off of it. It's better to work for less pay doing what you love than to make a lot of money and hate your job.
2. I'd like to see which group of college graduates is happier: those who pursued a degree based on financial gain or those who pursued a degree based on their interests.
3. It won't impact me at all. I'm going to continue to do what I want to do. This article had no influence on my prior thoughts about college.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


1. I do not think it's an invasion of privacy, because it is being used for good intentions in most cases. Also, these requests for information first have to be approved by Facebook.
2. This case does in fact comply with the terms and conditions of Facebook.
3. It does not violate the 4th Amendment.