Friday, September 13, 2013

9/11 Assignment 9-12-13

The YouTube video we watched made more of an impact on me than any other 9/11 video previously. The personal account of the event made everything seem so much more real and personal. It's natural for somebody to feel this way about it though. I mean, I still don't completely understand the multitude of the situation, but getting an inside story makes me comprehend it a little more.

This is an article of first hand accounts from people in the North Tower. The frantic reactions of all the people makes everything seem so real. I couldn't imagine being in that situation. Hearing all these situations out in my head reminds me of horrific instances in the past that I've encountered. After reading this article, it puts me in the mindset of protection over privacy. Nobody wants that to happen, and if searching your Facebook means stopping a terrorist, I believe it's necessary to do so.

There are a few accounts on this resource that are all pretty "heavy." The first story is about a man who was living in New York for a very short time, but gotten a phone call from his parents in Australia explaining what was happening. He opened his door to snap some pictures of the events and soon found himself dodging falling debris. Then, in a matter of minutes, was escaping from his small apartment and down the street to avoid that of a whole tower turning into that of rubble. It is pretty hard to think about that because what if I was there? My adrenaline would be pumping furiously, I'm sure, and I wouldn't be thinking about anyone else but myself just trying to get out of there and to safety.

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