Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Executive Branch
-Includes President, Vice President, and his cabinet
-responsible for carrying out law
-president is head of the executive branch

-chief of State: acts as ceremonial head of government
-chief executive: has power both domestically and abroad
-chief administrator: manager of executive branch
-chief diplomat: head of foreign policy
-commander in chief: head of the military
-chief legislator: main author of public policy, shapes congressional agenda
-chief of party

-natural born citizen
-be at least 35 years of age
-have lived in the us for at least 14 consecutive years

President pro tempore of the Senate: the most senior senator in the majority party has generally been chosen to be president pro tempore

-four year term
-originally no formal term
-FDR was first to be elected to more than 2 terms
-22nd amendment prevents more than two terms or 10 total years

-determined by congress
-cannot be increased or decreased during a term
-cannot receive pay for extra work
-Benefits: mansion, air force one, personal bodyguard, camp david, health care
-currently $400,000

JFK was last president to ride in open vehicle.

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