Thursday, March 20, 2014

Notes 3-20-14

Structure and jurisdiction of courts.

Inferior courts
-function beneath the supreme court

District courts
-94 district courts
-12 judicial districts

Secret Courts
-little known about multi-judge panel
-FISA meet in secret and are entitled to secret search warrants
-allow them to monitor terrorist threats.
-Alien Terrorist Remove court: decide whether those identified as alien terrorists by the us attorney general should be expelled form the country.

-do not hear cases within original jurisdiction of the supreme court
-hear both criminal and civil cases
-us is always prosecutor in criminal cases
-in a civil case the us can either be the plaintiff or the defendant

Court of appeals
-where the case goes after district court
-each district has 12 court of appeals and one court for federal circuit
-each court has 6-28 judges and one supreme court justice

Court of international trade
-federal trial court only tries civil cases that arise out of the nation's customs and other trade related laws
-9 judges- chief justice appointed by the president and senate

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