Wednesday, October 9, 2013

BR 10-9-13

1. Yes, regulations on campaign contributions should have some regulations for a more equal chance on representation. The regulations on campaigns currently are sufficient on this matter. I can also see the other side of the argument on the basis of freedom of expression though.

2. Freedom of expression gives people the right to express support, money, thoughts, and feelings towards whatever cause they wish. Putting regulations on campaign contributions denies people this right in some regards. It is their money, and they have the right to do with it what they please, constitutionally speaking.

3. The only way spending of personal funds should be limited is when it deals with equality among the nation as a whole. The campaign contribution regulations are a good example of this.

4. Campaigns would be allowed to recieve as much money as they want from contributors. This might lead to the side with more money dominating over the side with less money, making elections somewhat unfair.

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