Monday, October 28, 2013

Political Standpoint Quizzes

Based on your responses, YOU are a… Post-Modern

Along with 13% of the public

Overall, your political values are closest to those of an…Independent

You Are 35% Conservative, 65% Liberal

According to your answers, the political group that agrees with you most is...


Economic Left/Right: 1.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.41

Based on the results of all five quizzes, I found that I was very moderate with a slight right lean. With that being said, I was very liberal on most social issues and somewhat conservative on economic issues. I can agree with what these surveys told me, as it only reinforced what I previously thought about my political standpoint. Compromise is the most important aspect of governing to me, and being moderate is the easiest way to go about compromise.

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